(619) 235-6180 [email protected]


Rent Control (AB 1482) Deadline Approaching

LEGAL ALERT | Rent Control The California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (AB 1482) created statewide rent caps and just cause eviction laws for certain types of properties, while other properties are exempt.  All residential Landlords must give notice under AB 1482....

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COVID-19 Court Closure & Landlord/Tenant UPDATE

LEGAL ALERT| SAN DIEGO COUNTY MORATORIUM EXTENSIONS  On May 29, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-66-20 extending authorization for local governments to halt evictions of tenants affected by COVID-19 through July 28, 2020. Below are examples of the...

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COVID-19 Q & A

Q: I heard on the news that there is an eviction moratorium in the state of California. What that does that mean? A: On April 6, 2020, the Judicial Council of California enacted Emergency Rules to stop all prejudgment unlawful detainer (eviction) cases and prohibits...

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New Eviction Laws : Judicial Council Rules

Effective April 6, 2020, the California Judicial Council of California adopted the following Emergency Rules of the California Rules of Court: 1) A court may not issue a summons for an unlawful detainer (eviction lawsuit) unless the court finds the at the unlawful...

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